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TPA has a full-service consulting practice covering everything from raw data collection and management to final monetization.


While we have worked with both large and small organizations, our greatest impact has been in growth phase SMEs and strategic projects within larger companies.

Optimization and Monetizing a Model

Converting a predictive model into a good economic outcome involves extracting relevant information from a model, combining it with other models and information, and producing an actionable output. 


This is a challenging task that requires understanding the nuances of not only the data and modelling techniques, but also of the problem context and market or business environment.  At TPA, we have extensive experience at the interface between models and reality, helping clients monetize their models in their business.   


Predictive Modelling

From tools and techniques for data exploration to reviewing or building models, there are many components to a solid predictive model.  We can help with any aspect of the pipeline or how to set up a reliable, repeatable modelling pipeline in your organization.


Modelling Projects

We take on a limited number of end-to-end modelling projects, allowing clients to outsource a specific predictive modelling problem in their business.  This often works well when the "hard part" is converting some business intuition or known relationship into an actionable model.  We can provide ongoing model maintenance as a service after the initial engagement.


Data Cleaning and Management

Models are nearly impossible to build without data and even more difficult to operate and monetize.  Thus, processes and systems to collect, manage, and ensure the quality of the data feeding any models or decisions are essential.  Data quality issues account for a huge number of model failures (bad decisions) and missed opportunities (miss the signal in noisy data).  

We can help with review/audit an existing data setup or strategy, help develop a new one from scratch, or help solve specific problems.


Data Collection and Monetization

We can help identify valuable data your organization might naturally have access to and work with you to develop a strategy to collect and monetize this data.

Get in Touch

To learn more about our consulting services or to discuss a specific idea, problem, or project, please contact us.

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